File A Report

The Investigation Report

Considering the technical detail that the investigation must delve into: the interviewing of witnesses, corroboration of evidence and consultation of specialist organizations, it will be appreciated that the investigation report may take an appreciable time to produce.

Common to all reports, the anonymity of the persons involved is protected. If necessary, the report will contain safety recommendations. As soon as the investigation is concluded, the Chief Inspector of Accidents will send a copy of the draft report to persons or organizations whose reputations may be adversely affected or may be directly involved in the occurrence. They will be allowed 28 days to make written representations before the report is finalized.

A copy of the report will be provided by the BAAI upon request.

The notification can be found in the Accident / Incident Report section.


Report an accident

If you are a witness to or have been involved in a serious incident or accident in respect to a civil registered aircraft in Malta, your assistance in the conduct of the BAAI investigation is solicited. The Bureau believes that all reports have the potential to enhance safety in aviation for all users, and gratefully welcomes any confidential reporting regarding accidents, incidents or alleged malpractices and irregularities in the field of aviation safety. The BAAI Confidential Safety Reporting system provides a high level of protection of the identity of the reporters.

The BAAI Reporting system contains provisions covering the way the reporting person is to be contacted, if needed, to receive additional details and better understanding of the reported incident or hazard (call-back capability). Anonymous reports make it impossible to call-back the person who originated the report in order to provide clarification of the information. Since they could also be used for purposes other than safety, anonymous reports may not be used as evidence, and are not followed up.

A printable ACCIDENT REPORT FORM.pdf and PROFESSIONAL PILOTS INFORMATION FORM.pdf may be downloaded and used to communicate the relevant information to the Bureau.

Alternatively, you may contact the Bureau on +356 9938 2725.

Thank you for your assistance.

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